Teaching, Training & Podcast appearances

What I Offer
Teaching, Training and Podcasts
I offer talks and training on a range of topics relating to climate psychology, eco-anxiety, climate resilience, climate communication and parenting in a changing climate. If you are interested in some teaching or training for your group or organisation please get in touch to discuss options.
November 2023
Talk on eco-anxiety in children and young people to the first conference on Environmental Health at the Barcelona children´s hospital (St. Joan de Déu).

November 2023
Talk on “Fostering mental resilience in a changing climate” to Barcelona’s “Let’s talk about climate change” meetup group.

June 2023
Appeared on The Inspiring Psychologists podcast to discuss “Building a Psychology Practice with Social and Environmental Impact”. Listen here.

May 2023
Talk on eco-anxiety at conference on the climate crisis and planetary health being held at the Barcelona College of Medical Doctors (Col·legi Oficial de Metges)